Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,437,521 Issue: 690 | 17th day of Swimming, Y17
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New Series

Flutter: Part One

The only thing I knew for certain is that I am a female Aisha. Well, what about my color? Let me explain. I have pink fur with red stripes and wings more reminiscent of a Carmariller than a faerie Aisha. That’s four colors all in one. How did that happen? I don’t know. I was born that way.

by 77thbigby
The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part One

It was almost completely dark, apart from moonlight leaking through gaps in the treetops. Traveling in the dark proved nerve-wracking—like usual—and Trina knew arguing would only irritate her friends. The mistake that she made could potentially destroy the entire island, or worse, and it was her responsibility to fix it, no matter the risks.

by ummagine3284
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"One Summer's Day" by orisasda
"Hey look, it's Mystery Island! We're almost at Mystery Island!" Daizm, plushie Kacheek shouted excitedly from the front of the ferry she, her brother and her adopted cousins were on. She blinked as sea spray from the ferry powering through the waves, splashed her in face. She has halfway over the railing at the front of the ferry when someone grabbed her wrist.

Other Stories


Hannah and The Faerie Caverns
What a great adventure!

Also by: o_babypet4me_o

by sky_lady


With a Little Help From My Friends
A continuation of the story "Only Time Will Tell"

by lugal222


Guide to Guild Success: Part 2
Keeping your members busy and entertained will make the guild bloom quicker"

Also by imgonnageta

by sosudude


The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #8
You're much more interested in hearing about Faerie Castle, my very first five star hotel!

by cadetbush


Poogles & Giggles #3
It all depends on how you see it.

by lizzbear_


Avatar Error

Idea by: krispykritter6

Art by: dutchese159

by krispykritter6

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