Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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New Series

A Lesson Well Learned: Part One

"We're all so downbeat and consumed with stress that we retreat into little fortresses built of books and they expect us to be the embodiment of a friendly, educational atmosphere."

by horripilated
Who Needs A Family?: Part One

I had long since given up expecting them to keep me and therefore forsaken any hope of a family, eventually deciding that I was better off without one.

by miriel
Hannah, Garin, and the Terribly-Named Treasure: Part One

Hannah's jaw dropped. "I don't want your autograph! Do you seriously not know who I am?"

by trisshamster
The Kacheek Club: The Tomb of Tragedies - Part One

Gwen the Island Kacheek swiped the beads of sweat off her forehead as she glared up at the relentless sun. She and her three friends were waiting in line for the Tomb of Tragedies tour to start.

by jenlin_25
Of Potions and Paintbrushes: Part One

"I'm not fooling around, Frostgleam, dear. I cannot see you." The Lupe sounded very serious.

Also by antiaircraft

by masaryk_the_mad

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"The Travelling Newspaper" by brilliantgrey
Piles and piles of newspapers stood stacked up to the ceiling of an enormous office that was certainly too small to fit in the tent I had entered. White Weewoos were cooing all around the room, and a mysterious figure was spray-painting 'Chet Flash wuz here' on one of the walls. An old Faerie Kau was presiding over the chaos...

Other Stories


Five Hundred Years
Suddenly, his mind reeled with an abrupt realization. Today was not just any ordinary day. Today was his five hundredth birthday.

by alex313


Dear Author
By the way, when does the next part come out?

by cpmtiger


Choosing The Perfect Weewoo For Your Pet!
Weewoos are by no doubt one of the most adorable and beloved petpets across Neopia. And who can blame us for loving them so much?

by sychologist


So You Finished Writing, Now What?
Three things to target when editing your writing.

by dragonlover8560


Neopian Anomaly
Don’t be averse to singing a verse!

by lizica166


Super Hearing - Happy 500th issue!
Did you hear something...?

Idea by pattodrez

by verob

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