Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 181,284,534 Issue: 454 | 30th day of Swimming, Y12
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New Series

Once Upon A Time in Brightvale: Part One

"Oh, Monroe!" Phillip cried delightfully. "Mother says come. She has a surprise for us! Isn't it marvelous?"

by puppy_girl252
Beauty and the Xweetoks: Part One

May took it upon herself to morph everyone into Xweetoks. But Tess had refused, leaving her on her own – and let's face it, everyone looks stupid giving insults to the popular girls alone.

by st83_star174
A Measure of Trust: Part One

The Woods were full of different and often strange scents---some of them more offensive to the nose than others---but Maijitesa could identify most of them. This one, however...

by yami_no_prodigy
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Fashion Capitals

You're probably wondering, "is there a place in Neopia that is remotely fashionable? Up to date? Hip? In vogue?" Well, you're in luck, because I have for you five Neopian lands that are absolutely faboo. Yes, you read that correctly. Five hot spots that will revive your faith in the Neopian fashion industry, all determined thanks to the input of many Neopets players who have found each and every one of these lands to be aesthetically pleasing when it comes to fabulous attires. Grab your best pair of shoes, because you're about to be whisked away...

Other Stories


The Adventures of the Young Chia Detective
Early in the morning, the Jam Palace is the best place to think about the mysteries I solve, because everyone is still sleeping and I can use the tables to put lots of papers and notes.

by anamya


Starry Hats
Sinister dark green eyes turned on a cowering yellow JubJub. "So, boy, do you have it? Am I to spare you for today?"

by goldenella87


The Fashion Capitals of Neopia
Five Neopian lands that are absolutely faboo.

by wanderlustre


Fame - Your Guide to Becoming a Famous Neopian
There are obviously many ways of getting people's attention in Neopia, but which of them really stand out?

by fattree


NeoQuest: Lessons For Life (Don't enrage your enemy)
You are attacked.

Idea by evilone712_27

by joel_hudson


Kiochi - Faerie Abilities #2
Fiery Roar: This loud roar is sure to scare away even the most fearsome of enemies...

by chibino

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