Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 177,117,147 Issue: 319 | 21st day of Storing, Y9
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New Series

Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part One

Prices stayed up, the Faeries stayed exiled in Faerieland, and the damage caused by the weather would likely never be repaired...

by klaus239
Illusen the Grey Faerie: Part One

Jhudora gave a contented sigh as she closed down her cloud. "Ah, another productive day," she exclaimed...

by birdqueen804
Masks and Roses: Part One

The young Wocky’s name was Katalynn, and this was the moment of her life...

by chocolateisamust
The Ghost of Meridell: Prelude to War - Part One

It had been two months already and Jeran was still receiving more attention instead of them being treated equally as the Ixi knight had promised King Skarl...

by kt_fox
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Xweetok Collage

With Xweetok Day approaching at a great speed, it's about time somebody decided to poll Neopia on their favourite colour options for the Xweetok. This my friends, is my job. Throughout this article, I will be talking to average Neopians just like yourself and polling them on what their top five favourite Xweetok colours are. I will also be giving my own thoughts on Neopia's top picks...

Other Stories


Celebrity Meepit Show
Hello, and welcome to the Meepit Show. My name is Roan...

by spoonguardonline


The Tal Files: Case of the Missing Mystery
Today, though, was different. We were lounging around in our office/ living room/ bedroom, when we heard someone coming up the stairs...

by princetalron


An Interview with a Bottled Faerie
It's an insult! An insult, I say! How would you feel if you were being bought and sold...

by midnighters9496


Xweetok - The New Evil Threat
Most people don't realise that, sitting within our very Neohomes, is the biggest rising threat Neopia has ever faced.

by lil_neo_freak242


Diary of a Mad Neopian: Whatever!
Based on a true story involving NPR and me! :)

by strangeperky


The Valley of Spam
How bizarre.

by chichikokoyamma

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