White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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New Series

Kadoatery Khronicles: Part One

"Look! There's the Kadoatery! Doesn't it look nice?" Ciasa said loudly as she stopped in front of the building. The Kadoatie didn't quite think so...

by dpickle26
The Sleeping King: Part One

Beware of King Turmaculus; all he does is sleep and eat... petpets.

by 222kitti_kat
Sunshine and the Sphere: Part One

It was some time after midnight. Rae knew that if he got caught coming home at this hour, and in this state, he'd be grounded for the rest of his life...

by punctuation_ninja
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Mouseless Gaming

The first thing to know is that lacking a mouse (or a reliable one) is not the end of the world. Far from it. There are plenty of games that don't require a broad range of motion or dexterity with your cursor! A lot of the older games, for example, are great ways to earn that precious NP. (And we all know how much you need it, what with inflation and all.) Meerca Chase, a classic game that was recently...

Other Stories


How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Here in Altador there are plenty of jobs. So I figured that by starting now, I'd be able to find the right job before I was stuck in one I hated...

by philodox


To a New Life
She knew that she could have been out of the adoption agency months ago. After all, who wouldn't want a Cybunny? But unfortunately, that was the main reason the agency couldn't find Mel a home...

by zanirra


The Top Five Coolest Colours for your Neopet
This guide will show you the top five darkest, creepiest, and coolest Neopets that ever emerged from the Rainbow Pool!

by jjquil


Sifting Through the Sewers: A Guide to Sewage Surfer
The basic premise of Sewage Surfer is that the Neopian Central Sewer System hasn't been repaired in years...

by togepi_forever


Wafflecone II
Watch out for that swamp ghoul...

by nickulla


The Benefits of Having Jelly Walls
See, being poor isn't always bad!

by wirlhwind

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