Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,881,536 Issue: 804 | 3rd day of Storing, Y19
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Continued Series

Master of Ceremonies: Part Ten

You are the most beautiful Neopet to have ever lived...

by sin_hui_ryoma
We Ought Never To Have Done It: Part Six

Went to clean his dishes and he asked me whether or not I believed in my other self.

Also by icanhaskaila

by emblo93

A trip to the Seven Wonders of the (Neopian) World: Part Four

Then all of a sudden the wind just stopped, the sand that had previously been lifted into the air dropped back to the ground and everything was still.

by sallynicol
The Dark Faeries' Plot: Part Five

What do you mean, you were working to destroy an asteroid?

by jayeless
The Magical Transporter: Part Two

Katniss was running through the forest, looking for help. She had just seen her owner Calleigh disappear together with her sister Amy.

by hallie035
My Childhood Neohome: Part Three

The walls were a soft grey and the carpet was plushy and warm beneath their feet. Three windows lined one wall, allowing the room to be lit with natural light during the day.

by jillcrash
A Pound Story: Part Four

Finally, the time was here. Using the pictures from the photo shoot, a campaign had been made to show everyone the great pets who were waiting to be adopted, and Ihae was pleased to note it seemed to be working.

by eyre101619
Skipping School: Part Three

All my legs were bound, my wings had been tied roughly together, I was gagged and blindfolded, I had no idea where I was...

by invalid
Defenders of Neopia - Where They've Been: Part Two

After days of listening to the guards’ footsteps he figured out their schedule.

by grimmbones7
A Night in the Haunted Woods: Part Two

You look around the coffee shop. Everything is so clean and shiny and gleaming! Surely this place must have just been built, like maybe five minutes ago.

Also by chuckie001 and jena92

by atomic_dreamer85

Ballindalloch: Part Two

It didn't occur to Avery until much later — three or four days later, in fact — that it didn't matter in the slightest whether the house's original family was nice.

by dewdropzz
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"Clara Chatham Shenkuu Plot" by restisunwritten
S PART 1: Clara Chatham arrives at the Lunar Temple Some Background: Clara Chatham is a Neopian stock character from the Atlas of the Ancients plot where Moltara was discovered for the first time (reference: Neopedia or the Jellyneo Book of Ancients). Inventory: A scribbled address on parchment, carry-on luggage, old watch, sketchbook/journal Clara Chatham looked to and from her map, her surroundings, any street signs in Shenkuuvian script, and the address scribbled onto a small piece of Brightvale parchment as she dragged her luggage behind her. The Brightvale-born Wocky with strikingly long limbs and shoulder-length hair frowned as the path that she had been following came to a dead-end. Before her stretched a frighteningly long flight of steps that wound its way up to the Lunar Temple at the top of the mountain. There was Oriental filigree along the stair railing. Clue #1: Taking a closer look at the carvings beside her, Clara notices some kind of repeating pattern. The phrase, “月亮代表我的心”, is repeated several times on the wooden railing, its golden characters glinting under the sunlight. Clara quickly copies the characters into her journal, trying to remember what she learned at Brightvale University about proper stroke order. Maybe she can find out what that phrase is saying. Who knows when and/or where it might come in handy. Inhabitants that passed by cast curious glances at her Brightvale clothing, or maybe even the way in which she carried herself. She was tired, having just returned from a short trip to Brightvale in order to visit old friends. Her parents had moved from Brightvale to Shenkuu when she was very young.

Other Stories


The Story Behind A Grey Super Hero
Dedicated to my grey aisha, Da_Super_Man!

by _the_spardel_queen_


Something is not what it seems...
So without hesitation, Echo grabbed his favourite Blue Cybunny Backpack, packed some essentials like food and water, and headed out to start his adventure.

by tyranosaurus_rampage


Oldschool Cool: How To Become A 'Deckball' Champion
Hold on to your Uni, ladies and gentlemen, because we're going on a magical adventure through time.

by shaved_llama


Character Backstories and Backgrounds: The Sway
In Year 15 a mysterious league emerged from the shadows to claim the power of the newly discovered Obelisk, the Sway.

by loumina28


I just want basically...all the Neopoints please...

by stunningful


The Fall Surprise!
Fall is here!

by erai

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