Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 190,670,624 Issue: 579 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y15
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How Has Neopets Changed You?

I have to admit, Neopets has not been just a gaming website I occasionally visit when I'm bored. It's become a gorgeous hobby full of fun, friends and entertaining goals!

by indulgences
5 Reasons Why King Skarl is Better Than King Hagan

King Skarl is the superior king and Meridell is the superior kingdom, no matter how you look at it.

Also by agedbeauty

by dr_tomoe

5 Easy Trophies to try for on Reset Night

Your trophy hunting journey isn't over yet.

by flotsam_freako_8254
Picking A Gallery Theme (That's Actually Unique!)

You've found it! The theme that will finally bring you the glory of the Gallery Spotlight, the dazzle of your unique theme too alluring to ignore. This triumph is short-lived, as you realize that somebody else has started an Apple gallery. What is there to do?

by saiphami
Five Interesting Places to Read in Neopia

Some interesting spots to consider the next time you decide to read...

by mi_trtl962
Don't be a Plumpy this New Year!

If your pet has eaten way more cake, cookies and bacon than ten Plumpys, then this article is for you.

by jamesv1
Blue Ribbon Ahoy! Round Table Poker Strategies

Round Table Poker: one of Neopia's oldest, non-Flash games, and a game with a very stylish and attractive trophy!

by gabunni
Your Guide to a Healthy Habitarium

After you've chosen your landscape, it's time to start raising some petpetpets...

Also by viperlina

by xxkatiexx_07

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Healthy Habitariums

There are many kinds of buildings you're able to buy. Storage, nests, houses, hospitals, and barracks. However, you only really need storage, nests, and houses. Unless you feel like burning through your resources, don't bother getting any hospitals or barracks...

Other Stories


King for a Day
The teacher smiled and explained, "Elephante Day is just a day celebrating Elephantes. We have one Elephante in this class... Eddy! So you should treat him better today. Like a king."

She was just kidding, but the class didn't know...

by mespirit24


A True Treasure
Thunder rumbled in the distance. MissFrizzy was pretty certain you weren't supposed to be in water if there was lightning—she wasn't sure if that applied to boats. But the Krawk had insisted it was only a "measly little squall" and that they would make it to Krawk Island in a jiffy.

by blondygirl1893


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Seven
"He's such a professional!" he cried. "Spooky tower, booming disembodied voice at the entrance... I bet the candles in the wall brackets light themselves when we go inside!"

by herdygerdy


Dark Faerie Dreams: Part Five
Viggo's sudden shout made me jump and drop the belt. "Behind you!"

A horrible pain shot through my wings...

by ilovemycatembers


Neopies: Recognizing the *True* Talents of Neopia
And the next Neopies category is...

by leaflunch


Bad Apples: Travelling
The devilish duo decide to take a vacation. Its a shame that they can't get there.

by blackfox81

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