For an easier life Circulation: 180,126,803 Issue: 447 | 11th day of Relaxing, Y12
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The Kadoatie-Feeding Troika

This article is about the three most popular methods of feeding Kadoaties at the Kadoatery! Woohoo!

by crazy_holly_ii
Why Everyone Should Loiter Around Rubbish

Well, I was sceptical, but I like free stuff.

by preencessno
What Kind of Coffee Are You?

So, I love coffee. You love coffee. Sloth loves coffee! But what kind of coffee do you love the most?

by autotune
The Greedy Kadoatie - an Evil Plan Exposed!

It is very likely that the Greedy Kadoatie is the one behind the conspiracy known as the Almost Abandoned Attic.

by tooseas
A Charming Guide to Piper Panic

Your object in this game is to hit each of the baskets exactly once...

by kuroge
About Those Games...

Wicked Wocky Wobble: Three letters for you, Wallace: SDB.

by amicaverbi
The Terror Mountain Survival Guide

Personally, I try and pack some chocolate whenever I head up the mountain.

by monkeytastic
So You Want a Jelly Pet?

Now that you've been told you're not crazy, time to learn what you have seen. You have just witnessed what is commonly referred to as... *drum roll* A JELLY PET!

by jshark105
The Almost Abandoned Attic or the Igloo Garage Sale?

In the Attic, the items go fast. As in blink and you may miss it fast.

by charlie_ryan
Y12 Yooyus: Viewpoint of a Gelert Cage-Cleaner

Watching these Yooyus is so fascinating. They have such different personalities...

by pandasrule1211
Why Pirates and Slushies Don't Mix

Pirates have always struggled with slushies. Why? The answers vary, and I shall attempt to give the most popular ones here.

by streamergurl
Becoming a White Weewoo

Weee... Wooo...

by yayzz_1245
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White Weewoos

Everyone who is well read in Neopia will know that the White Weewoo is the iconic symbol of journalism and that it always delivers Neopia's most famous newspaper, the Neopian Times. But how do these Weewoos get to be so smart? How do they get the strength to carry these piles of newspapers every Friday to the residents of Neopia? Still yet, how do they know what to do with the newspapers once it's in their claws?

Other Stories


A First, A Forever
The rain began just after Fae went to bed.

by silverskinwolf


The Fishing Garden
Everyone knows there are certain items in Neopia commonly considered junk.

by qidditchpixie


Caught in a Conspiracy: Part Two
"I'm here to break you out of here, on one condition," he answered.

by luna4400


Zombie Nation: Part Three
"It seems the Zombie populace of Neopia Central are planning a demonstration," Jennings explained.

by herdygerdy


Petpetpet Adventures
Sometimes finding a petpetpet can be dangerous.

by lowsodium


Colour Confusion
A relic stone statue?

by youi234

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