Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,767,807 Issue: 385 | 27th day of Running, Y11
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Why Our World Will Explode - Skarl's Throne

If architects are busy RSing Draik Eggs, it's no wonder our Castles are lopsided.

by miracletoast
Neopia On A Budget

It is my pleasure to present to you just some of the best items available in Neopia. These items are so good because they are both cheap and they often serve more than one purpose...

by luxury_tux
The Top 10 Most Indigestible Foods in Neopia

Steer clear of those "foods" that should never have been classified as edible in the first place.

by fancifully
Exclusive Neopian Interviews: Plushie Palace Cybunny

She is most often seen immersed in a flood of colorful plushies, and is probably harder working than you are.

by scorchi123
Top Ten Reasons Why Pet Rocks Rock!

Many famous and historic Neopians from Brucey B to Bug Eye McGee have had a faithful pet rock standing silently by their sides. Or sitting... or whatever it is rocks do.

by kitkat582
Ten Questions We May Never Find the Answers To

What exactly are camouflage Ixi supposed to blend in to?

by silvernonsense
Chef Bonju Avatar Solved

No avatar has ever remained unsolved for this length of time without someone having it until now.

by xtremethefallen
Making Your Goldrun-Themed Neohome

Wooden houses line the streets with shuttered windows and melodiously creaking porches.

by be2aware
CayCaed! Travels: Goldrun

The wacky duo is back for another round of reviews!

by kattrish
Ten Ways Not to Get to Goldrun

Don't you dare tell her I said this, but 100, even 1000 of Jhudora's quests won't gain you access to Goldrun.

Also by hidden_0_o

by akari24

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"Life of a Mediocre Gamer" by ginny_invisible
Hi. I'm Abigail. Sound familiar? Probably not. Or you might be all, "Oh. Abigail. She's the sister of that famous games master guy? AAA or something?" Yeah. Of course. Only known because of my oh so famous, oh so intelligent brother. So smart, in fact, that his head is...

Other Stories


Mr. Meepit and the Staff of Time
Mr. Meepit's invaded Neovision, Comics, and now... your stories!

by doody_duty


The Wooden Meepit Totem
'BOO!' yelled Bame, jumping out from the shadows.

by mangodan


Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Seven
"I am from a place far from here that you have likely never heard of. Darigan Citadel is where I live now. I have engaged in many forms of business during my time here, mostly odd jobs, mercenary work..."

by tashni


Cycle of the Moon: Part Ten
The tall metal gates were unguarded in the dark night, and Ganduo slipped through them quietly. The fog was thick...

by reggieman721


Nothing has Happened: Status
Who knew changing your status could be so dangerous?

by ker_berethrou


Respect your elders.

by arycapricat

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