For an easier life Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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It's All About ME!

by detective_edogawa

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Great stories!


Meuka - True Past Unveiled
"Wherever you are, I will find you, and help you," Miika said bravely though the bravery was not his own. It seemed miraculous that Miika was going to look for somebody when he had just heard such a terrible cry in the middle of a forest, late at night.

by shadowninjawarrior


Grundo Stix #2
It's all about respect and control...

by anikajinn


Darigan Eyrie: Kass Or Nothing At All - Part One
Birdie shook her head, tears flying everywhere. Her owner had watery eyes as well, but not nearly as much as she should, in the Eyrie's opinion, and she felt so... betrayed.

by neonick19881988


NNLHT: Dental Hygiene
My job is to teach you, the reader, how to make sure your pets properly brush their teeth. I will teach you everything you need to know.

by go_girls_2003_twin

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