The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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New Series

Escape Artists: Part One

"Good morning," yawned the Skeith. "Did they ever get that lunatic last night into a cage?"

by moosuem
The Rise and Defeat: Ivy's Story - Part One

veryone says that King Coltzan III was a wondrous king, do they not? And it is surely a fact. But there was a time where the king knew nothing about leadership and the rights of his people...

by basketballnsoccer25
The Shade Flame Legacy: Valrigard - Part One

I needed to escape from Meridell. I buried my head in my claws and thought as hard as I could, but nothing came to me. I felt useless, I felt alone...

by smurfafied1800
Darigan Eyrie: Kass Or Nothing At All - Part One

Birdie shook her head, tears flying everywhere. Her owner had watery eyes as well, but not nearly as much as she should, in the Eyrie's opinion, and she felt so... betrayed.

by neonick19881988
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"The Jigsaw Puzzle" by nariko_gin
He blew off the rest of the dust that had collected on the top of the box. Now that all the grime had been cleared away Thyme could see the package better. There wasn't much to look at. The image on the box had been scraped off...

Other Stories


He Never Really Left
Snickers had thrown his sketch book and pencil aside as he sprinted down the hill, but the Turmaculus stood on all fours, eyes agleam with a hungry glint...

by 3dcourtney12044


Too Dark for Darigan
The Grarrl glanced out of a window and frowned. An inky darkness filled the sky, with not one star in sight. It had always been that way, just as Lord Darigan had always been afraid of the dark since his return.

by kushbi


Ready! Aim! Fire!!!
Quite possibly the most wanted and admired game avatar around. Whether it's that cool turtum, or just showing off that you got 230+ points in the game makes this avatar a really nice on to add to your collection.

by armin8151991382


Petpet Examiner
Today, we are examining a horned, flying masterpiece – the Bartamus. I will go through several points about them, and by the end you should have a pretty good idea about how they look, act, and much more.

by chokato_tree


Great Days at the Neopets Cafe
"Bad Food"

by the_arkenstone


T3h Praedius
Loyal and trustworthy?

by arttimo

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