Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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The Blobikin Surprise

by tatyanne

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Nobody Seems To Be At Home...
"Yes! I have all the ingredients!" Collab with slashmastahz

by lunensis


A Story No One Knows
How the Usul twins came to be in the Haunted Woods on the most mischief-filled night of the year rather than enjoying a balmy sunset from their beach-side bookshop half a world away was the result of an unfortunate lack of calendar awareness (it's always summer on Mystery Island!) and a deceptive-but-not-technically-false bit of advertising on the part of the Krawk they hired to sail them across the ocean.

by phadalusfish


N1GHTM4R3: In Neopia
Everyone's a critic...

by shellshocks


Royal Oddness: Halloween
Trick-or-treat time! Collab with winner19955

by mistyqee

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