Top 5 Neopets Gallery Ideas by illusique
Top 5 Neopets Gallery Ideas Getting a little jaded from bobbing apples and never getting anything good? Or is King Coltzan giving you hopes of a million neopoints and leaving you with ‘Aww, nothing happened’? Either way, we have all come to a point where it sometimes gets a little dry and repetitive in the game. However, playing flash games and doing dailies is not all one can look forward to in Neopia. One of the best things about Neopets is being able to collect whatever you want. It could be pets, stamps, avatars, trophies, themed items, trading cards, expensive items… you name it, someone out there has a gallery for it. Of course, as a player who hasn’t been playing for years upon years, it’d be hard to get a full grasp of the types of items there are in Neopets. It might also be a little daunting to start a collection not knowing which direction to go to, neither do you wish to copy someone else’s gallery. Apart from getting into the Gallery Spotlight, most people make galleries to create a long-term goal in Neopets, and to constantly have something to work towards. Because let’s face it, neopoints aren’t everything in life, right? Neopets galleries are great because they do not take up space in your home, do not collect dust, and your loved ones aren’t going to make a fuss about the multitude. If you’re interested in starting a gallery but lost as to what kind of gallery you want to have, here are the top 5 gallery ideas you can try! 1. Pet-themed Gallery The first, and easiest kind would be a pet-themed gallery. Show your love for your favourite pet by collecting every item with their name in it. For example, you can start a Shoyru gallery by collecting everything that has to do with Shoyrus! There are over 300 items with the word ‘Shoyru’ in them and they range from cheap items such as a Shoyru Toy Boat (200np) to the retired and sought-after Golden Shoyru Book! You can even expand into different pets - more than one pet that you love! With the different category function, you can open up a few themed galleries for all your pets. I know sometimes it can be hard to just pick one pet. There are just so many lovely customizations and styles to choose from. 2. Colour-themed Gallery Passionate about a certain colour? Show your dedication and appreciation through the collections of all things in that shade of colour. Many colour-themed galleries have made it in the Gallery Spotlight, and yours could be the next one! I have even seen amazing rainbow-coloured galleries out there. The beautiful thing about colour-themed galleries is that it isn’t exactly easy to locate everything. Some items have the colour in their name, but some items do not. That means you’ll be surprised when you come across certain items that fit your colour scheme but are not in your collection. You could be browsing around user shops or Neopian shops and find something. It holds the very same feeling you get when you’re just casually browsing through a thrift shop and find an exquisite item! 3. Concept-themed Gallery Maybe you’d like to have a collection surrounding a certain concept in the way you’ve customized your neopet, it could be a sleepy baby… a plushie toy room… or even an evil scientist, ANYTHING could be the theme! The sky’s the limit! And you can be sure to find items that suit your concepts. Some good examples would be fruits, paintbrushes, gift bags, cupcakes, birthday cakes, petpets, stationery, plushies, food… Concept-themed galleries are the most fun because they’re abstract. Anything can fit into the theme as long as you interpret it that way. It can be something you hold dear to your heart, or it could be a belief you strongly care about, or it could even be about your favourite sport! Similarly to the colour-themed gallery, items may be hard to find, but it is very exciting when you come across items that fit into your theme. 4. Rare Item Gallery These galleries should not be attempted by the faint-hearted! They require a lot of neopoints coupled with years and years of hard work to complete. There are some old-time players of 20 years that weren’t even able to finish their galleries. Some of the more common ones would be r99 items, gourmet food, stamps, expensive books, retired items, battledome weapons. Rare item galleries are hard to complete, and may not even be available anymore, especially if they were retired from a long time ago. However, after collecting stamps, avatars, trophies and cards, rare item galleries are the end-game goals of many old players. If you’re an avid restocker and make a lot of dough or you are looking to make collecting a lifelong journey, then a rare item gallery should definitely be on your to-do list. Not only does it feel great to finally be able to purchase something you saved so long for, but at the same time your gallery will be the envy of every other Neopian! 5. NC Item Gallery Don’t have a knack for making enough neopoints to make a gallery? Fret not! You can have an NC Item Gallery! Purchase a wide range of items from the NC Mall to put in your gallery. Create various themes and collect to your heart’s content. There are thousands of different wearables and many specifically themed ones come out during different seasons - such as the summer-themed wearables, Altador Cup wearables, winter-themed wearables and so on... As more and more things get released every year, many other wearables get retired as well. If you are unable to find certain items as they’ve been retired - join the NC trading scene! There is a very large community on Neopets who trade NC items for customization, for collection or just to use as trading fodder. It’s a whole other exciting adventure to get into trading NC items and working towards your dream gallery. Head to the Neoboards in the NC Mall Chat and search for the items you need for your gallery. If you’re just starting out, the currency being used to trade for wearables are Mystery Gift Capsules that are released in the malls. After you have a list of items or duplicates, you can start to use them to barter trade for other items that you need on your list. I hope this article has helped you in your search for a goal in Neopets, and I’d be very interested to see what you are collecting - so do hit me up via a Neomail and share your galleries if you wish to :D