Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 196,026,692 Issue: 888 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y22
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Something or Other - Teenager Woes

by petalshine_3

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Which Iconic Battledome Challenger Are You? Quiz
Did you know there are over fifty Battledome Challengers in total? Yep, that many! But only a handful are certifiably iconic and known throughout Neopia, some revered and some feared. You’d be surprised at how different these individuals can be and just how powerful and fearsome most of them are. Take this quiz to see which one you are!

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Zafs and ect
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Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Ten
Erin was trying very hard not to appear nervous, despite the difficult-to-ignore reality that her plan was unraveling at the seams. Reba stood next to her, and Orlitz was between them, restrained by some rope Erin had found in the carousel’s maintenance panel.

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Color Trends for Year 22
A new year means a fresh chance to start over and live your best life. Here in Neopia we have entered the glorious Year 22!

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by kaitlinhoneybee

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