Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,043,305 Issue: 815 | 2nd day of Awakening, Y20
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No exceptions...

by applejuicerain

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Great stories!


Weird trends
It's a statement..

Also by cherie_nicole

by keruza


Dice-a-WHO? #5
Just roll again...

Also by forever_be_us

by rayoceanweaver


The Fastest Way To Lose Your Money!
We all work hard here on Neopets, whether it is by spending day and night restocking or running out fingers raw playing flash game after flash game. It seems like almost everyone is on a quest to get rich, and to get rich quick, but what can you even do when you have it all?

Also by beanlein and hawkydreamerz

by imcatcrazy11


How to be a millionaire without restocking
For people with no patience or skill — to restock, but who can’t just sit and wait the bank to give profit, I’ll share my experience as a reseller and show your possible best path.

by lynx_malin

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