Meow Circulation: 193,961,411 Issue: 727 | 8th day of Eating, Y18
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Random Oddness

by mistyqee

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Pastel Horror #2 - A Pirate's Favorite Letter
Qysteri is VERY passionate about his puns.

by badjadejuniper


The Truth Behind the April Fools’ Clubs
April Fools’ is a fun time on Neopets with pranks both small to elaborate being pulled throughout the day. This year was no different with the main prank being the “Neopian Net Worth Calculator”, a way to determine our “value” we can then potentially flaunt and, most importantly, join a club with.

by pikachu315111


Awkward Bruce
Run away!

by capn_scrac


Only the trained can handle a brainfreeze.

by simbologies

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