Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,961,411 Issue: 727 | 8th day of Eating, Y18
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Beach Ball Theft

by lyndsey4657

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Venn and the Isolated Island: Part Two
The weather became increasingly stormy. The ship's path was one that passed through the outside of the massive storm surrounding Lutari Island; few ships took this course. The whole reason Lana went on this trip, aside from acting as the ship's engine mechanic, was to study the mysterious storm, for she wanted to someday visit it.

by mbredboy31


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Ten
It took five days to make the necessary adjustments to the machine to send Chloe to the past. Chloe spent most of that time with her little sisters or alone in her room with May. She saw Elise a few more times, but the Cybunny mostly wanted to be left alone with her pain.

by kristykimmy


Monochrome Madness
Just started again and...

by zaxamijo


Night in the Haunted Woods falls with swiftness upon its victims. It is not as many stories say—the forest is not rife with yowling spooks and ghoulish spectres at every turn. It is not a scaled-up version of a Neopia Central Neohome’s Halloween decorations, which brashly proclaim frightfulness in the most colourful of fashions.

by cosmicfire918

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