The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,800,035 Issue: 714 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y18
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by suixx

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Oh No... Robots!!

Idea by ruben160

by tatadsb


Character(s) Re-Introductions: Taelia & Ember
This time I’m actually interviewing two characters, the two Faerie hosts of Games Master Challenge Y17: Team Fire leader, Ember the Fire Faerie Gormball player, and Team Snow leader, Taelia the Snow Faerie.

by pikachu315111


Paint Brush Woes
Hm, not what I was expecting...

by milestrong


#LDN - Introduction
An introduction to the evil Kiko known as the Dark Lord of Nightmares...

by gorubeza

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