For an easier life Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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The Rickety Ship: Weewoo Planet

by dimartedi

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20 of the Best Wearables for 700NP (Or Less!)
This special list is my choices in these four common categories that you can get for 700NP or less, with my “Top 5” of sorts in each section.

by auraichadora


A Different Route
Once upon a time, nothing happened. Not a very exciting start to a story is it? That was the problem Ned had. He wanted to write a story that would be the best thing since sliced Neggs, but he had absolutely nothing interesting to say.

by lugal222


700 Kougras
Bluestar the little baby Kougra had been left with a babysitter. Again. She wasn’t really upset with her owner or her favorite siblings, not at all. She understood that Jessica was working. And the others…

by spirit_wolf589


The Painted Weewoo and the Maraquan Dillema
“Boss. Boss, something’s happened.”

“What is it, you nitwits?” the shuffling of feathers. A Weewoo in a suit and tie, eliminating evidence of pastry crumbs and red jam. “I’m busy.”

Also by lute248

by cherishtwilight

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