Meow Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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700th Celebration

by amarettoball

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Starting Your Neopian Book Club
his article is going to guide you through the infancy of starting your own book club, where you can share your bibliophilic experiences with like-minded Neopians. So why start a local book club? Let me clue you into its benefits.

by puddydog


Low Budget Advertising for the Obelisk War
Starring the Obelisk Factions and... cardboard boxes?

by siuku


700 Wishes
The past few weeks had been long and hard. Her tired eyes and defeated posture earned some sympathy from the charming Shoyru, who had placed a large drink in front of the young lady, rather than the small she had ordered. The girl hadn’t even noticed.

by the_gecko_dude_ii


Why Weewoos Shouldn't Fly Over the Altador Cup
What the?! That's not a Yooyu!

Also by wtmoof

by louirawr

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