The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,437,521 Issue: 690 | 17th day of Swimming, Y17
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by msjanny

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The Beginning of the Shadow: Part Five
“It’s not about yesterday. Zee, best friends are supposed to tell each other everything right?” Zee nodded. She still hadn’t told Kamia hers. Maybe this was the right time? Was fate finally giving her a chance?

Kamia took a few deep breaths, but was unsure of how to continue. Finally, she decided to just be blunt.

by sha2196


The Fire Within: Part Eight
Yardly returned to the Font alone, though Marbelle and her soldiers were waiting, hidden, in the tunnels beyond. Waiting for Yardly's signal. Waiting to storm their birthplace. The plan was simple. Yardly would go in and eliminate Igneot. Then he would signal the others to follow. It was a ludicrously stupid plan, of course, and Yardly knew this.

by herdygerdy


Trouble in Paradise: Eavesdropping
Why are you just standing there, Multoque? Run!!

by chasing_stars44


Heritage or Dreams
“Would you come with me?”, he pleaded, his normally sharp magma eyes oozing with puppy-lupe sadness.

“No. Quick, you know this is something you need to do on your own.”

by erynamrod

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