Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 192,851,041 Issue: 665 | 17th day of Collecting, Y16
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Rock Pool Fool

by classicmess

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Perdia's Garden
Our destination is the Soup Kitchen. We reach the cauldron-shaped building in good time. There's a long line as always...

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One Friday Afternoon
It all sounds so simple: an uncommon Altadorian petpet would be a prize for any Neopia Central resident. In fact, he has been "adopted" by others beforehand, but...

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The Top 5 Worst Pizzas
These are the pizzas you shouldn't even consider ordering.

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The Birthday Aisha: Picky as Pie... Or Really?
My name is Sweete, and I'm a baby Aisha. Well, the Birthday Aisha, to be exact.

by sushicat1__20

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