There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,851,041 Issue: 665 | 17th day of Collecting, Y16
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New Series

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part One

A cold wind blew in, prickling my skin, and I got the distinct feeling that something... something was about to change.

by lizzy_beth_750551
The Necromancer: Part One

"Of course we're always happy to help you in any way we can. But mostly you'll be working in direct contact with the High Commissioner - a Mr. Lockwood."

by jokerhahaazzz
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"The Necromancer" by jokerhahaazzz
"This way, Miss Ward." Emma Ward adjusted her thin-framed rectangular glasses, smoothed her already-smooth pencil skirt, and brushed an imaginary speck from her trim white blouse. She was a Darigan Aisha, so neatly dressed and so perfectly controlled in all her movements and phrases that she seemed to have stepped out of a store window within the last several minutes. Certainly she...

Other Stories


Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter XIX
"I should have known. Marshmallows," she muttered darkly.

by kristykimmy


Perdia's Garden
Our destination is the Soup Kitchen. We reach the cauldron-shaped building in good time. There's a long line as always...

by geniusbulb


Be A Hero: A Trophy Guide to Magma Blaster
Hurry! The citizens of Tyrannia need your help!

by fr0zenpeanut


The Top 5 Worst Pizzas
These are the pizzas you shouldn't even consider ordering.

by emilyralphy


Mall Day: Part 1
He's a dear like that.

by ssjelitegirl


Dr. Sloth's Personal Not-So-Friendly Bath Buddy

Also by oohuguhoo

by teca_alvarenga

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