Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 191,949,128 Issue: 625 | 20th day of Celebrating, Y15
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by twillieblossom

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Gifts of a Different Kind
Hello, old friend. Has it been a day already?

by valianttsadhe


How The Thieves Guild Almost Stole the Day of Giving
"Meh." Sirocco rolled his eyes. "All I ever get is coal."

Ashlynne giggled as she read one of her spellbooks. "Perhaps it's because you steal most of your 'presents'?"

by mecha_fang


One Way: Part Three
"The mind is made to want a soul if it doesn't have one..."

by ellbot1998


A Brynnso Christmas Special
The following is a script commissioned by Queen Fyora herself due to the increasing demand for more Christmas-themed plays in her tower around this time of year.

by rielcz

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