Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,949,128 Issue: 625 | 20th day of Celebrating, Y15
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Continued Series

Coronation: Part Eight

Three masks to go.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Agent of the Sway: Isolation - Part Seven

Duke Hopesmeade stared down the fearsome witch doctor. "Tura-Kepek, your activities on the island have not gone unnoticed..."

by herdygerdy
It Takes a Thief: Part Six

Hanso twitched nervously. 

Jazan snapped, "Stand still."

by saphira_27

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Four

Orlitz ran up to where the figure had been standing moments ago. She illuminated the dense foliage of the jungle with her torchlight, squinting...

by josephinefarine
One Way: Part Three

"The mind is made to want a soul if it doesn't have one..."

by ellbot1998
Second Chance: Part Three

Rasala sighed. "Where to begin? All ancient Faerie lore is in Xandra's possession. She keeps it under tight watch to stop traitor Neopians from using it to become 'tyrants' themselves."

by liouchan
The Best Present Ever: Part Two

Ruby grimaced as two paws fidgeted around on his back, kneading on his spine. He grunted impatiently, very grateful that the outside decorations were taken care of.

by thedoggirl_97
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"There's No Place Like Qasala for the Holidays" by cosmicfire918
Jazan sat back on the couch and draped his arm over his eyes. "Can we play Guess the Curse after this? I'm much better at that one." The Nightsteed snorted. "Only if you get the cooks to whip us up more Spicy Queela Dip..."

Other Stories


"I feel the chill biting into my bones. Do you feel it too?"

by the_pie_love


Early Christmas Presents
I was in the pound, you know. Just one of the abandoned basic pets, sitting in a cage just like everyone else.

by lady_snowfaerie


Deck the Halls: 25 Amazing Items for Christmas Time
Items that represent the best things about Christmas time, great gift ideas and just some wonderful things to do for the holidays.

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682


Christmas Special: An Interview With Bowe and Cassil
This is Feralezer reporting from the Shenkuu River, where a surfing championship has just ended. The winner is none other than Cassile, who beats the second place, Bowe, who won the last year's championship.

by feralezer


Mud Coffee
It's the thought that counts, but make sure you actually think.

Idea by dr_tomoe

by goron0000


The Best of Intentions: Holiday Season (3/5)
Why forgive when you can rub it in?

Also by bha288

by 0123kl

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