Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,919,878 Issue: 563 | 21st day of Gathering, Y14
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Love Hurts

by sara1elo

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Random Oddness
What a handsome young grandson!

by mistyqee


Dress like the Faeries: Part 2
Jhudora the Dark Faerie

by minemoe


Luck Only Gets You So Far...
I should be so lucky.

by l_like_animals


A Guide to Finding Your Perfect Petpetpet
Habitarium is a great game, but today we are here to tell you of a world far larger than those few squares of tiny landscape. A world full of adorable creatures which will make the perfect addition to any Petpet your Neopet already has.

Also by melaiv

by chaotizitaet

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