Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,919,878 Issue: 563 | 21st day of Gathering, Y14
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Short Stories

Of Days Past

Even from inside, the Zafara could hear furious whispering.

"This is an awful idea!"

"Gareth, be polite. That is the elder Princess of Calladamos. Stay on her good side!"

by chimie119

Waiting for Cullen

I gazed over the waters of the lake at the moonlight's shimmery reflection. 

He said he would meet me here, at the lake in Shenkuu.

by navycoat

Knowing Things

There were a lot of things that Floofingtons knew. There were also a lot of things that he did not know. One thing that he did not know was that there were a lot of things that he did not know...

by lemoncake2
Before the Fall: A Water Faerie Story

Ree woke up slowly. For a few seconds she found herself still caught up in the wonderful dream she'd been having, full of rainbows in the clouds.

by darigankat
You've Got A Friend In Me

Oh, why in Neopia had I ever agreed to this? Altador knew that I was terrible at Gormball...

by phantomsmelody1871
The Puppet Master

Laxara looked at her older sister with worried eyes. A terrible fate would befall her one year older sister if she went to train with the Faeries. She could feel it.

by xaviaerra
A Day in the Life of Malice, Spite, and Vanity

"Spite!" the dark faerie shouted out, ripping the blanket away. "You set your alarm clock too early! You know I need my beauty sleep!"

by dr_tomoe
Marina And The Healing Springs

Kindness is not a weakness.

by lux_aeterna1234
Pulling the Cork

The Marketplace was as it was every day: filled with the happy chatter of busy Neopets and their owners buying, browsing and selling.

by wolfsaver654
Search the Neopian Times


Faerie Festival Attire

Undoubtedly, the best way to give thanks to the faeries is by honoring them with your pet's outfit, and there are dozens of beautiful wearables to help you do just that. Like the faeries themselves, these wearables are varied, and range from delicate to opulent to sinister. Perhaps the best way to begin your Faerie Festival...

Other Stories


Must Have Wearables - Purple and Pink Edition!
A pet can't be complete without her looks! With this guide, you can find some must have wearables that'll complete her outfit!

by sushicat1__20


Dress like the Faeries: Part 2
Jhudora the Dark Faerie

by minemoe


His Name is Kribal: Part Two
The shuttle of the Alien Aisha. Even the older pets still spoke of it in wonder, despite having seen it come and go many times before.

by d_morton


Storm of Fortunes: Part One
The screen flickered into life. A Kougra stepped back into view, anxiously wet her lips.

"I'm sorry, Wolf," she said in a hushed whisper...

by thorndove


Half Cheese Jelly: Hungry
Random math stuff

by galapagospenguin


Luck Only Gets You So Far...
I should be so lucky.

by l_like_animals

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