Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 182,995,662 Issue: 470 | 19th day of Storing, Y12
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Shade's Realm

by mucka33

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Ties That Bind: Part Five
Today wasn't as promising as it seemed.

by merlynia


The Sorcery Society: Part Nine
"Really, Athy!" Citrus squeaked. "Emmie was here - and she was also glowy - and then she just went... poof!"

by iris220_ll


Just Cake #5
Now.. all you need are the sprinkles.

by flameshard


A Story in Which the Title Was Eaten by a Lupe
Mr. Grundo put on the hat and ambled over to the mirror. It was a very jaunty hat. He liked it.

Also by esperonza14

by crazy_holly_ii

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