Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,131,372 Issue: 436 | 26th day of Running, Y12
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Chomby Day

by betrayals

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Just Another NT Comic!
I'm reading it first!

Idea by recidive

by taiisantii


A Classic Joker's Kit for Devious Neopets
I have compiled a perfectly well-rounded kit with all sorts of gadgets and tools that you can use to trick Neoschool classmates, the neighbor's gnome, and even your siblings!

by eggo__mini92


The Wacky World of Ezel68

by ezel68


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: The Onyx Isle - Part Ten
Avalon found himself skittering across the stony island, less like a heroic Noil Gem Guardian than a panicked Snowbunny spotted by a pack of hungry Lupes. Scarback's lava walls continued to erupt, behind him, in front of him, at his sides...

by cpmtiger

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