Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 188,131,372 Issue: 436 | 26th day of Running, Y12
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New Series

Daylight's Dirge: Part One

Pariel touched the controls of his salvager, bringing himself to a stop relative to the scattered chunks of space refuse. Following the battle against Sloth, there had been a great demand for salvagers...

by kittengriffin
Number 400: Part One

She was wise too. Behind that babyish façade, she understood everything with a cutting clarity...

by fallingrain05
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NC Item Trading

So, you've probably stumbled upon someone else's pet lookup and saw a dress or background that you're pretty sure would look just as great (or even greater) on your own pet. After some quick searching, you find out that it's a NeoCash (NC) item and since you constitute this as an emergency, you use your PayPal or you quickly run to your nearest Target store which sells NeoCash cards. And voila, you're now ready and raring to purchase the item. But wait, what's this?! The item you want is not...

Other Stories


The Birth of a Feud
Who knew that the biggest rivalry known to Neopia started with a Prissy Miss Bow?

by thropp


Endings and Beginnings
"I can't keep you if you've failed."

by quickquotes


An Alternative to the Giant Omelette and Jelly
If you are tired of feeding your Neopets the same old meals every day, then you have found the best guide...

by yuri445


The Absolute Must Read Guide on Everything Liquid
Since the beginning of time, neopets have been drinking liquids. Yes, awe-inspiring, is it not?

by lynnalice



by mochi1130


The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 8)
You'd be crying too if you were about to get mulched, by the way.

(with help from MarillTachiquin)

by hubadawaha

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