A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,178,655 Issue: 371 | 12th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Something Has Happened!

by buck1950

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Fyora and Celandra: From Servanthood to Friendship - Part Three
"Who are you? Who allowed you into my chambers? What are you doing here?" Fyora demanded.

by black_skull725


Trendy Knitwear From the Spider Grundo
This week, we'll be interviewing a unique new talent in the fashion world. You may know him from his earlier work stringing up hapless Neopets in his disgusting sticky webs...

by arula


The Watcher's Dilemma
"Some of these laws are crazy," said Aaron. "I mean, why would I fine someone for buying rare fruits?"

by kittygirl5170


Misconceptions About Miss Jhudora
Jhudora is the greatest faerie of them all (And I say that in complete and total honesty...)

by water_glass

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