Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,904,174 Issue: 325 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Life of a Lupe

by _trail_

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Table for Three: Part Three
"Again? Ellie's coming over AGAIN? You have got to be kidding me! Isn't once in a day enough for you?"

by psychopsam


Balthazar Blues
Don't worry.

Art by aimeilee

by pudao


Tales of Cadmium, Athena, and Saffron: The Fight - Part One
"I had the most bizarre dream last night," Athena announced. The others looked at her expectantly...

by rainpaint


A Snowball Toss Away - A Guide to Snow Wars
You give the game a try and after a while come to the conclusion that: "The game is all LUCKā€”it would take FOREVER to get a gold trophy." Now that's where you would be wrong...

by raverchris

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