Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 186,904,174 Issue: 325 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Continued Series

Dusk's Enterprise: Research Inc. - Part Eight

"Welcome back, everyone!" our Darigan Eyrie teacher announced as nervous groups gripped their reports. "I hope the lot of you remembered how important today is..."

by alkuna_
Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part Seven

"Mister," said Daphne seriously, "you really shouldn't be wearing that cloak. Silver is so not your colour." The cloaked figure began to advance down the trail, the trails of its cloak fluttering in the breeze...

by klaus239
Masks and Roses: Part Seven

The whole purpose of Kat's mission had been to defeat Gwendolyn, to let her mum go on living normally...

by chocolateisamust
The Ghost of Meridell: Prelude to War - Part Seven

He had taken two steps when he heard a twig snap behind him. Whirling around, he saw Danner with his crossbow...

by kt_fox
Another Hero's Journey: Dreams - Part Three

The white Blumaroo nearly strained his neck as he looked all around him excitedly, taking in the clean marble walls, the paintings in gilded frames, tapestries...

by precious_katuch14
The Faerie Dilemma: Part Five

They had to take a rest, but at the same time he felt as if they did go and sleep, the world would end while they were snoozing away!

by shadow_sabre_
A Life Less Interesting: Part Four

It was time for Oscar to start his new life. He checked the location of the Tombola and marched off to the northwest, hoping to find the Tombola Man in an agreeable mood...

by herdygerdy
Lucky Me: Part Two

I wonder if she told him yet that she was getting rid of me today, Aura wondered as they walked through the two large wooden doors of the Neopian Pound...

by soccer266redy
Three Wishes: Part Three

"I can't believe Sylkon sent us here," she growled. "If it was a Genie that sent us here... then he made the wish! This is all his fault!"

by rachelindea
Pirate Curse: Part Two

"We'll reach the Haunted Woods by tomorrow," Bart offered suddenly. He fidgeted with the ruffle on his shirt collar. "Then ye can break the Curse and go home..."

by concertogreat_8
The Young Dr_Death: Part Five

"Must be imagining things," Dr_Death told himself. He went back to staring out the window. Then, again, out of the corner of his eye, he saw...

by fudge_rabbit22
Table for Three: Part Three

"Again? Ellie's coming over AGAIN? You have got to be kidding me! Isn't once in a day enough for you?"

by psychopsam
Storm at Sea: Part Three

Vivian was very uneasy. The electric Ixi sorceress whispered to Ivy, "Why haven't we seen any Dark Faeries?"

by saphira_27
Different: Part Two

"I hated to do it to him, elder, but what else could I have done? I could not watch my only son be killed trying to fly!"

by chocobuckle
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Double Painting

The possibilities are endless. The important thing is choosing colors that compliment each other. Each Neopian has their own idea of what colors look good on their pets. Remember, whatever brush you use last will give the base color. For example, if you want your pet to be Darigan purple with Halloween clothing, use the Darigan brush second. This is meant to be a guide to get you started in selecting unusual looks...

Other Stories


"I couldn't take care of him anymore..."

by champ100543


Familiar Consequences
With a sigh, he lifted the edge of the envelope up to a single fang and pulled, slicing the paper container open...

by puppy200010


Passing on the Torch: Tips from a BC Veteran
Every Beauty Contest entry should be an improvement of your art, and every time you should wish to do better. But always be sure to have fun!

by queen_starshine


Top 10 Garden Gnomes
This gnome is said to be around when things start to disappear...

by reeses_pet



Also by zewq

by qpluseleven


The Flaming Hat Incident
It's a... hat?

by coconutcream

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