Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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by halo_n_friends

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Something Fishy About the National Neopian
For those who are uncomfortable carrying around all of their money wherever they go, the bank is a haven that no words can describe. But, as with all things we respect and admire, we begin to grow suspicious as time goes on.

by queenjadia


"You can't do that, Freefall!" I snapped at my owner. "Just getting a pet from the Pound and turning it Mutant..."

by freefalldreams


Mint Madness!
Indulge yourself with the Top 10 most delicious mint items in Neopia!

by lurking_and_giving


Recruiting Members 101
Your guild should make a statement. It should say, "I am different. I am fun, exciting, and unique! Don't I just stand out from all those grey blobs?"

by sunny_forever

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