teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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Mint Madness!

Indulge yourself with the Top 10 most delicious mint items in Neopia!

by lurking_and_giving
A Guide To a Fast-Paced Game of Cards

Go! Go! Go! is a game in which you are given cards - the goal of the game is to get rid of every single one. This may seem an easy task, but as you'll learn, it's much harder than it sounds.

by yugi90163
Recruiting Members 101

Your guild should make a statement. It should say, "I am different. I am fun, exciting, and unique! Don't I just stand out from all those grey blobs?"

by sunny_forever
Be Careful When Painting Polarchucks!

Polarchucks are fantastic petpets - until you paint them.

by starlet87
Finding the Perfect Petpet for under 15,000

How can you find the perfet petpet for your pet without breaking the bank? Let me show you!

by scranamole
Something Fishy About the National Neopian

For those who are uncomfortable carrying around all of their money wherever they go, the bank is a haven that no words can describe. But, as with all things we respect and admire, we begin to grow suspicious as time goes on.

by queenjadia
How to Survive the Beauty Contest

There is a reason the Beauty Contest trophies are coveted by all!

by danman111111
The Inside Story of the Rock

These mysterious petpets are more than just a rough surface!

by yippo_yippee
Esophagor - Is He Making Some Species Extinct?

Have we ever considered that what we're giving him could indeed be wiping out entire populations of Petpets and Neopets around Neopia?

by _icypanther_
Dear Crabby

Here is my first piece of advice: read my article now or suffer the consequences. This is for your own good. Do not deny it. You will not be able to. I have friends in high places.

by dan4884
The Legend of Yooyuball

The Yooyus were timid creatures at the beginning of Altador's founding. They watched the building from the forests...

by moonea123
Nine Ways That Toast Can Save Your Life

I have made it my life's mission to educate you on the powers of toasted bread. Okay, so maybe I was bored. But during those 8 hours of boredom I could have been doing absolutely nothing, so be grateful that I made this sacrifice for you.

by buckbeak807
Search the Neopian Times


"Priceless" by freefalldreams
If I hadn't been so bored, I would never have thought of playing with magic while Freefall wasn't home, but as it was, I happened to remember that there was a levitation spell in my spell book. It looked very interesting, and I'd never tried it before...

Other Stories


A Quiggle of Another Colour
"I'm tired of being a boring blue Quiggle," Blue Goggles burst out. "There are blue Quiggles everywhere and they're cool and all... but I want to be different!"

by redhaiku


The Eyes of Imari
I have my ways of keeping others away. I possess a crystal ball forged of my darkest emotions, and with this crystal sphere I am able to extend my powers...

by micrody


Encountering Resistance: Part Seven
"These cells are something else. I tried to burn through one of the walls with my pocket welding iron, but all I had time to do was blow a hole through to that water pipe before a guard came in and took it away..."

by moosuem


The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part Two
I clung to Jeanie like a leech, staring with fear at the dark faerie. Trohanex was staring wide-eyed with admiration at her...

by jeanaet


Usually Abnormal #4
Now you know why he is a little unwanted guy...

by tristess


Infamy is Not So Bad!
A tragic tale of the Nightsteed!

by ancalimee

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