For an easier life Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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by celestialearthenmage

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Painted Pet Blues
She saw her face everywhere--except in the mirror.....

by raynbow_light


The Ruby Heart: Part One
I don't know why I was awake at the time, but I was, just as I had been every now and then. It was him. I was remembering again. I had to remember again...

by kindheartedfairy


Taking a Sick Day
It was very early in the morning, but a certain Yellow Usul had been awake for hours, preparing. She had a huge math test at school that day and she was determined to miss it...

by saphira361


Warf Rescue Team - Let 'Em Fly!!!
So, there you are, minding your own business when suddenly you see a furry, errr - nope, a flurry of Warfs race past you with parachutes in hand. You wonder, where are they going...

by buddy__blankies

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