A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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The Pant Devil's Advocate

by gryffinrose

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Lena: Cursed on Two Counts
Lena immediately went silent; there was a click and a whir sound from somewhere inside her, but that was all. She stared down at her hooves...

by lish73


He Stole IT!
She wasn't interested in her yellow, pink, purple, blue, or orange socks. Nor was she interested in her polka-dotted or striped socks. She didn't even bother to notice her white faerie or green Mortog...

by uniepuppy225


All Under One Roof
Painting your pets this season?

by koksunsamlow


My Favorite Treat
"I want the jelly! Let me have the jelly!" I yelled and hissed aggressively...

by sweettartlucy

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