Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Ghost Story

"And then the Ghost Lupe came..."

by lauren_nina613
The Pet Patrol Revolution - Trends

Yellow and Litmo go to Virtuland!

by neo_tomi
Petpetpet Problems

Be careful around petpetpets or something bad may happen...

by btcomsa12
Goja's World: Dung Geb

Ooops, I blasted another one...

by tottoko_hamgirl
Rejected Reality

This can mean only one thing...

by refira
Petpet Ownerowner

The Turmaculus isn't just scary to petpets...

by magnoliaprincess

You petpets think you have everything.

Also by tambourine_chimp

by cherv1

Just Sit

Many don't realize how difficult it can be for aquatic pets in Neopia...

by katopia12
Head in the Clouds

Do not pull.

by candykitty
The Lottery Ticket

Well, now that tears it.

by angelachoi66
Chiadventures: You are what you eat...

Your neopet is hungry.

by zelda2222
Game Glitches

When good arrows go bad...

Also by seth_z

by silentbutterfly

Calamity of Neopia

Neopian Life isn't always peachy-keen...

by mandapanda9188

The problems of being painted Snow...

by obviousfakename
The General Idea

The Serf Lens: Battledome weapon or dangerous fire-starter...?

by clueless_morgan
Awww I don't have 25 np! :(

Level up!

by amillie
Progressive Insanity. . .

Not all Cybunnies are cute and cuddly!

by delightfullymadd2
The Uggah Uggah


by mandy_raz

What's with the new craze?

by cannonsmbt
0:07 Minutes

Tiki Tack Man is not always kind...

by lex_bond_agent_007
The Neopian Idiots

130k... wasted...

by poolfrog352
Kadoatery Files: Case 35

Where'd the Kadoatie go? =[

by luluthederangedpig
Notions and Nonsense

Ummm, I'll take option number 3, OK?

Art by meganium94

by patjade

Curtain Call

In which a dilemma receives a solution, of sorts...

by kyuukon
STWCU: Battledome Chaos

There's always a distraction...

by supernukudns

I'm so excited!

by manda314
Temple of 1000 Pets

My prize?

by icefoxer

How does the Snowager get all his neggs?

by cougracatcher
Stuck With You!

Donnovan has to put up with an annoying Kacheek in the middle of the Lost Desert.

by cartoongoon
Meepit Hole

Meepit attacks!!! O_o

by spyro_inuyasha
Retired? Nah, Just Different!

There's nothing to do...

Art by nut862

by hello5346

Neopia Magnified: Something has Happened!

Beware of the random events...

by coco_dog_92
All Under One Roof

Painting your pets this season?

by koksunsamlow
The (Mis)Adventures of Gore

Petpet envy doesn't pay.

by chivo
The Mystery of Acaras

Who can resist our fuzzy little faces?

by remybuxaplentyfan
Mindless Jabber

Don't blink...

by chakathemoogle
Scroll Searching

Lost Desert Plot players will sympathize. :P

by beangris

It's amazing what you can do with fabric and vegetables.

by presidentfaerie
Petpets are NOT Snowballs!

Seriously, you should look before you throw...

by littlemisskirby
In the Shadows of Neopia...

Why Count Von Roo detests the holidays...

by morrigan_a_aensland
Practical Neo

Asparagus sure does come in handy...

by bubbles024

Sure, I'll split it.

by dragon_general111
Petpet Problems

What's my Petpet again?

by raichu288
Random Neopians - Staring Contest

NEVER challenge a Gangee to a staring contest. XP

by kwoz25eevee
Veggies, Anyone?

Look at what I made!!!

by medli20

Umm, no thanks.

by velveteen
Nyah~! #6

The result?

by ae0nsoul
Illusen & Jhudora: WHATEVER!

What's a little bubble residue between enemies?

by spock_luvr
The Neo397's New Year Special!

But that's not why I'm crying...

by isaiahdjkim

What happened to the prizes?

by catsurii

Can you find the differences between the Snowager, Wadjets and sweets? Well, some people can't. xP

by firefree_girl

Tag, you're it!

by ghostkomorichu
Lupe Moments

Do we even have the petpet lab ray? o__O

by kateh_pwns
The Pant Devil's Advocate

No way am I holding some lame Petpet!

by gryffinrose
One Way Out

Okay, now to get out of this place...

by ssjelitegirl

What's with all the sodas?

by 5tnt
Triple Negative

Mission: Starry PB.

by sillygirl_543
The Room Of No Return

Once you go in, you will never come out...

by discokitten
Wocky vs Snowager!

What a cold reception...

by houndourka
Evil Feepit

How did the odd relationship between a Red Gelert and a Feepit begin...?

by fmoura_98
Splodge - 12 Days...

On the first day of Xmas, Sloth's minions gave to me....

by scribble
Lucky Misfortune

That wasn't what I had in mind.

by scarletspindle
Neonuts - Holiday Nightmares


by teh_bunneh
Always Errors

You are my most favorite gift!

by autumn_belll
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Looking Backward

We have compiled a nice list of the past year's major events. Many things happened in the past year, so we thought we'd be nice and tell you about it again, just in case you forgot! Many new places, plots, and pets arrived in Neopia in Year 7. Let's start with the big topics...

Other Stories


Lena: Cursed on Two Counts
Lena immediately went silent; there was a click and a whir sound from somewhere inside her, but that was all. She stared down at her hooves...

by lish73


Dreams of a Young Battledomer
And then she thrashed at the punching bag again. She was determined to be a Battledome champion - she wanted to hold that shining trophy that was so grandly presented to the champion. She wanted all of Neopia to remember her name...

by mycatdog


Snowball Plight
You start with fifty snowballs and you can never have more than this. But fear not, your frosty ammunition can be replenished...

by chenxlee


Motes and Their Uses
Motes, the little friends that help you with loads of trouble. The Battledome items that are so cute, you just want to hug them! Well, here is a tribute to our adorable, motey friend.

by shinyjewel902


Murgoh: Part Seven
"A crazed Lupe had gathered together a massive army with the intent of taking over the plains. He attacked many packs, gathering strength as he marched east from the Haunted Woods. In time, our pack was assaulted, and many of us scattered..."

by zephandolf


Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Six
In the morning, Jeran woke up, which was a good start. The sun was just rising, striping their campsite with long shadows and red sunbeams...

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude

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