Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,450,763 Issue: 768 | 10th day of Awakening, Y19
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword butterflybandage

Week - 759

Neggsweeper: A Pro's Guide
by butterflybandage
Description: By the end of this guide, you should not only be able to understand the basics of Neggsweeper, but be on your way to being a Neggsweeper master!

Week - 764

How To Celebrate Sloth Day
by butterflybandage
Description: As we all know, the 14th day of Sleeping is dedicated to the greatest, most evilest (and handsomest!) villain in all of Neopia – the great Dr. Sloth! With thousands of forced Grundo minions and crazed fans, what can YOU do to set yourself apart and celebrate this devilishly good-looking evil scientist?

Week - 768

Celebrating Lennies: The Underrated
by butterflybandage
Description: As celebration commences, I believe we should all take a moment to look back through Neopia’s history and honor some of the most underrated (and often forgotten) Lennies of our time!

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Little Blue Lupe
There were many Neopets and petpets out by the ocean for her to play with, and surely, one of them would be her very best friend.

by heysarahkate


Valentine's Recipes To Melt Your Heart
It's here, it's here, the most lovely day of the year! Here is a collection of my favorites for Valentine's Day.

Also by alyseth and sosuleaf

by marbear_4u


Spiral: Part Six
We couldn’t possibly let you take over the world without making a comeback special. That’d be irresponsible...

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Matrimonial Persuasion
In her defense, she was trying to save both the cities of Sakhmet and Qasala here, not to mention the happiness of all parties involved; the flaming Baggusses was she going to let another disastrous marriage come to pass, not when she had the power to stop it…

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Anti-Valentine's Day: A Holiday Guide
As everyone knows, this fourteenth day of Awakening, will be the best holiday of the year. You know what I’m talking about: it’s Anti-Valentine’s Day.

by snowfur33

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