Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,961,412 Issue: 723 | 11th day of Running, Y18
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword puddydog

Week - 672

Interview with a Pop Star
by puddydog
Description: The concept is simple enough- toss a dart at a board of spinning balloons. Pop one and you win. Today I'm here to speak with the proprietor of this new craze, Mr Keith Pop.

Week - 674

Why I'm Boycotting the Day of Celebrating
by puddydog
Description: A protest of a middle Neopet.

Week - 675

Charity Corner Chat
by puddydog
Description: A certain kindly Acara has recently made a big splash with her keen holiday spirit.

Week - 681

Against Draik Eggs
by puddydog
Description: Reasons against and alternatives to eating Draik Eggs.

Week - 683

The Unknown Faerie Princesses: Part 1
by puddydog
Description: An expose that reveals a secret sister of Queen Fyora...

Week - 685

The Unknown Faerie Princesses: Part 2
by puddydog
Description: The truth must be heard, so here it is. The middle sister of the Faerieland royals, and heir to Queen Fyora’s crown is…

Week - 700

Starting Your Neopian Book Club
by puddydog
Description: his article is going to guide you through the infancy of starting your own book club, where you can share your bibliophilic experiences with like-minded Neopians. So why start a local book club? Let me clue you into its benefits.

Week - 721

Countering the Stereotype: The "Vain" Uni
by puddydog
Description: An article arguing for the end of labeling Unis as "Neopia's most vain creatures"

Week - 723

Into the Glade- an Interview with Illusen
by puddydog
Description: An Illusen Day special interview with Meridell's favourite Earth Faerie.

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