The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword katehoughtonbeckett

Week - 708

Scoring Big When You're Bad At Games
by katehoughtonbeckett
Description: As much as I have always enjoyed playing games, I’ve never been that great at them. It hasn’t stopped me, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it made earning Neopoints through games and scoring the much coveted trophies and avatars easy.

Week - 710

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
by katehoughtonbeckett
Description: It’s Christmas in Neopia and you can feel the excitement in the air. Shops are stocking seasonal goodies, pets are bundling up in their finest seasonal wear, and people are excitedly visiting the advent calendar. It truly is Christmas in Neopia.

Week - 714

Filling Your Trophy Cabinet
by katehoughtonbeckett
Description: I have been doing my best to find the games that I, and others who aren’t great when it comes to games, can attain with just a little practice and timing everything just right. The games listed aren’t all flash games, but they’re trophies that aren’t always suggested as the easy-to-get ones.

Week - 718

Is a Mall Right for You?
by katehoughtonbeckett
Description: There is also another option that many may not consider: whether or not to join a mall. It can be a difficult decision to make, so consider these things before committing.

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“Like the Battledome, but a Bit Friendlier”: An Investigation of Secret Competitions
But before I could get up to leave the coffee shop to find inspiration for another poem to submit to the Poetry Contest, I witnessed a strange and even unusual occurrence. I was unprepared for what happened as an Elderlygirl Xweetok ordering at the counter, met the gaze of a small Krawk who was entering the premises.

by peacelovebliss


Avatars That Will Never, Ever Happen!
I was cracking jokes on the Neoboards one day, talking about new avatars that would be absolutely ridiculous and completely unlikely. The other players were laughing along with me, proposing random and hilarious new avatars that are so silly that they'll never exist. Inspired by our merriment, I thought I'd write a Neopian Times article all about the avatars that will never, ever happen!

by indulgences


Scientific Highlights: The Crokabek
Little is known about a majority of the Petpet species living in Neopia. For some, such as the Crokabek, this knowledge gap is particularly large. What is considered common knowledge in terms of their biology, including that of their disease vector status is, at best, a partial truth.

by parody_ham


Come on, bee serious.

by catanator500


Letters to Goose
Dear Goose, I’m sorry that I haven’t written as often as I promised but I’ve been busy settling into my new home. My initial impressions of it were somewhat mixed but I’ve come to like it since. I’ve always wanted to live in an old, spooky mansion like this. I’m getting inspiration for my mystery novel every hour I spend here.

by chistise

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