A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,682,672 Issue: 707 | 13th day of Storing, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword a_ramsell

Week - 701

Catch Up on Autumn Reading with the Library Faerie!
by a_ramsell
Description: With cooler weather quickly approaching, many Neopians will soon find themselves wanting to curl up in their cozy Neohomes with a Hot Cup of Borovan and a good book. And that, my friends, is why a chat with the Library Faerie ls long overdue!

Week - 705

Splurge or Steal: Neohome 2.0 Halloween Decorating
by a_ramsell
Description: Halloween is just around the corner, and many Neopians enjoy getting into the spirit by dressing up their Neopets, creating spooky avatar and font combinations, or decorating user lookups. While these are all fantastic ways to celebrate the occasion, Neopians often overlook their 2.0 Neohomes.

Week - 707

A 16th Birthday Celebration On the Cheap!
by a_ramsell
Description: I’ve got the perfect solution for you!

Below you will find 16 of my favorite affordable birthday goodies you can buy today so you don’t miss out on the festive fun!

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Ariathia vs Chomby
Eat carrots!

by moonlitennight


Werelupes: Myth, Legends, and Truth
What do you think of when you hear the word "Werelupe"? More than likely, you think of a large and powerful beast filled with fury and the desire for bloodshed. You think of a horrible monster dwelling in the Haunted Woods that will hunt you down as soon as look at you. What if I told you that this was not the case?

by talthe


Why Snowballs Don't Melt
Have you ever noticed the various items made of snow that you can find all across Neopia? Have you ever wondered how they come to be in these places, so far away from Terror Mountain and Snowy Valley and yet haven't melted? This is the story of how they came to be.

by sammkt


The Faerie Queen
“I think I see a castle up ahead…we’re almost there!”

Lacey squealed with excitement. She was finally going to Faerieland! It had always been Lacey’s dream to visit Faerieland, and now it was being made possible thanks to her class field trip.

by sacados


The Faerie of Ars Arcanium: Part Two
"What do you mean she's the key to it?!" Sinisal said in bewilderment. She hadn't expected it to be this easy and truthfully neither did Diakumablo, although he tried to appear like he did.

by orisasda

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