The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword sarah2396

Week - 639

The Power of Teamwork
by bha288
Description: Jessica underestimated the plumpies' ability to work together when they were properly motivated.

Also by sarah2396

Week - 642

Nutritious and Delicious!
by bha288
Description: Next time, we’ll go to the giant omelette.

Also by sarah2396

Week - 659

The Very Hungry... Drawer
by sarah2396
Description: Hey, will you get my paints out?

Also by kaddisti

Week - 662

Neopian Starlights
by sarah2396
Description: That star is blinking!

Also by kaddisti

Week - 663

A Lupe's Thoughts!
by sarah2396
Description: Yum.

Week - 664

The Little Schnelly That Could
by sarah2396
Description: What the?

Also by mickey_a94_a39

Week - 671

The Unforgotten Shore
by bha288
Description: Something has happened!

Also by sarah2396

Week - 672

Turmaculus Misadventures
by bha288
Description: Patience is a virtue.

Also by sarah2396

Week - 677

Restocking Woes
by fanlia
Description: Daily struggles in the life of a restocker.

Concept by sarah2396

Week - 695

The Age Old Question
by sarah2396
Description: Which is it?

Also by 69uglygreenwhale

Week - 698

How Yooyus Spend the Off-Season!
by sarah2396
Description: Heheheh...

Also by kbbob

Week - 699

Who You Gonna Call?
by sarah2396
Description: Stop that mallow!

Also by 69uglygreenwhale

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Dances With Werelupes: Part Two
The Werelupe King peeked his snout over Terra’s shoulder. “Lady Illusen…” he grumbled. “I was not expecting to see you here.”

“The sentiment is mutual,” the Faerie said, folding her arms and tilting her head, looking down at him like a disapproving parent.

by cosmicfire918


Crazopia Central: Dampened Mood
Because Reed has been there, too.

by lasaramar


Why Pet Collectors are Wonderful
Lots of Neopians collect something or other. Usually it’s something like an enormous number of codestones to train their pet, or perhaps 1,000,000 of their personal favourite item, or even items with a certain theme to put in their gallery. However, not all collectors hoard items – some of them collect pets! This article is dedicated to Neopia’s pet collectors and all the quirks which make them brilliant.

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An Angel and A Devil
Faerieland was at its absolute best. In the month of Gathering, leaves were beginning to turn their autumn colors and a brisk wind blew. Evening had fallen and while the festival had officially ended, some were still enjoying themselves.

by 77thbigby


The Trouble with Tridents: Part Three
What used to be a beautiful place -- shifting in different shades of blue, petpets dancing and twirling in the currents, and magnificent kelps and seashells shining in the sunlight coming down from the surface in colours of green, red, pink and blue -- was as it should be except for one thing: everything was purple.

Also by scherwoodz

by winterdreary

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