Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword purplbrooke

Week - 660

The Warrior Princess
by purplbrooke
Description: Many don't know of the small kingdom that lies in the shadow of the mountain that is Shenkuu.

Week - 663

The Warrior Princess: Finding Light
by purplbrooke
Description: She wasn't always a traveling ninja. She was once the princess of a small kingdom...

Week - 684

The Warrior Princess: Gathering Her Army
by purplbrooke
Description: Princess Clarity Ryan was from a small kingdom called Alkuu...

Week - 687

The Warrior Princess: The War for Alkuu
by purplbrooke
Description: Princess Clarity looked around as she walked through what used to be her home. The village houses were in shambles and the only plant life was the forbidden forest. Clarity sighed. It was the dead of the night and everyone was asleep. Clarity and her friends were walking in the village to see if any of the villagers would join their cause of defeating that horrid witch, Mara.

Week - 696

The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part One
by purplbrooke
Description: Princess Clarity Ryan was sitting in the private study of the castle. Her tutor was droning on and on about the history of Altador and how it affects them. Clarity was growing weary. She hadn’t been sleeping well for the past week due to nightmares of the war...

Week - 698

The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Three
by purplbrooke
Description: Cole watched as Terrence left. Clarity looked upset, but said, ”Mara is back and she’s coming for me. I’m going to leave so she’ll follow me away from the kingdom.” Cole began to panic because he needed his sister for his plan to work. Cole shook his head. ”No. It can’t be true."

Week - 699

The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Four
by purplbrooke
Description: King John was pacing back and forth. Queen Clarissa was very distressed. Clarity had asked Terrence to tell her parents what he had heard. They did not take the news well.

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