Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,275,612 Issue: 601 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword emblo93

Week - 599

Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part One
by emblo93
Description: Prigpants and Swolthy, Tailors. The name of the store meant many things to many people: to some, it was a portent of funerals; to others, it was a sign of galas to come. To Marius Finchley, Lackey, it was a harbinger of dreadful tidings...

Week - 600

Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part Two
by emblo93
Description: To run was an impossibility. The idea of running, of fleeing from the scene as fast his short legs would take him was certainly a reality to Marius, but the act itself was as impossible as if he had wished to sprout wings and fly away.

Week - 601

Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part Three
by emblo93
Description: "Sal, it's more than just the dresses! I just know that the Baron's up to something!"

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Chiaroscuro: Part Two
She runs into the alleyway and comes back out with bundles of papers. The paper on top is covered with ash, but I can still see it: a painting of a brass lantern. The yellow painted glow seems almost to light up the room.

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The Transfer: Part Two
She glanced up at Maj. "He's extremely excited. He wants to do the Transfer tomorrow."

Maj's eyes widened. "That's so soon!"

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The Draik in Black: Pictures of Darkness - Part Seven
When they say that Neovia is the closest thing that the Haunted Woods has to having a bright spot, they fail to mention that it's all relative.

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Altador Cup: About Darigan
No big talk and exageration here, oh no.

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The Derpnuggets
Revenge is best served with a pillow to the face.

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by neojedi11

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