The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,988,180 Issue: 590 | 12th day of Eating, Y15
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword ratifute

Week - 590

Neopets when English is not your first language
by ratifute
Description: There is not only one Neopia but many of them, depending on which language you choose.

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Great stories!


The Royal Reputation: Part One
My family was royal. We ruled a small town near Neopia Central, where there were two kinds of people. The royal, who were rich and snobby, and then there were the peasants.

by flames_unleashed


Top 10 Neopian Plots
I decided to look back and choose my top 10 favourite plots. Now, as a disclaimer, this list will only have plots that I personally saw during my time on Neopets.

by girly_chalmers


Lost and Found
"I'm going on a trip; you're going to stay in the pound until then."

by rasgirl


Soldiers Behaving Oddly
There seems to be a new club forming in Habitarium Land...

by epicgiggle


Being Weird
Kalilu finished reading The Magic Paw and the book vanished in a puff of yellow smoke. It was rather hot and humid today.

by kayixu

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