A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword almightywebmistress

Week - 411

A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
by almightywebmistress
Description: She's so hard to please....

Week - 422

A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
by almightywebmistress
Description: And you thought she was stupid!

Week - 425

A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
by almightywebmistress
Description: This always happens...

Week - 423

A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek Christmas
by almightywebmistress
Description: Flee the country, Hyper...

Week - 465

A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
by almightywebmistress
Description: All from Virtupets, of course.

Week - 500

A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
by almightywebmistress
Description: Ah, that takes me back...

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A Lesson Well Learned: Part One
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The Importance of Kindness in Neopia
As members of a wildly popular community and guests on Neopets, it is important to demonstrate a good attitude to others who we happen to come across on the forums or well, anywhere!

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We are Beings Lost in Shadow
"Here," she'd beckon gently to her sibling, and Aquialin would lean forward, hooves on the polished surface of wood. "Let me tell you of this world I just read about."

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More than Words in the Water
"This is for you, Mother," she whispered. Picking up a lantern from her pack and lighting it, the Ogrin went into the cave.

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Seeking Treasure Beyond The Cup: Part Five
"This isn't right," she muttered, standing up. "This was too easy..."

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