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We found the following 27 result(s) for the keyword thediractor

Week - 445

Who Knew?
by thediractor
Description: "Maja!" Tamerick called frantically. "Forrest is eating my Yurble Tales!"

Week - 455

Do I Know You?
by thediractor
Description: "Ok, guys, time for Neoschool," Darth said happily – too happily. Something was up.

Week - 461

Fruit Shakes: Part One
by thediractor
Description: "This is the good life," Tamara sighed happily. Her owner, Mackenzie, had deemed her old enough to handle the shop full-time now.

Week - 462

Fruit Shakes: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: Maybe he could help her out. She knew he would, after he saw his sister had turned into a grape. Tamara gulped. He'd help her – if he didn't eat her first.

Week - 464

Statues: Part One
by thediractor
Description: They could only ever find it at precisely noon when it was dazzlingly gorgeous. They would near that statue, and as they did, the statue's eyes would faintly glow - ever so faintly - and then...

Week - 465

Statues: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: The second Falyn's light shoes touched the ground could not have been soon enough for the terrified Acara on her back.

Week - 466

The Chomby Fight
by thediractor
Description: Someday Jiad would be the chief of the Chomby tribe. This was an honor that should have been bestowed on Subro.

Week - 467

The Uninvited Guests
by thediractor
Description: Happy Halloween - and look out for Boochi! He's the worst villain of them all, now isn't he?

Week - 468

A Fish Out of Water
by thediractor
Description: "I don't know. Go explore or something. Just be bored somewhere else, ok?"

Week - 469

The Outward Appearance
by thediractor
Description: Lying to protect her reputation wasn't something that would make her proud, she knew. But she had to do it. No one could know that...

Week - 473

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?: Part One
by thediractor
Description: "I love it!" Juan answered excitedly. 'May I please have it for the Day of Giving, Mama?"

Week - 474

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: What would her friend say now? So you saved him from the Pound, only to, not even a year and a half later, dump him there yourself? I trusted you with him, Phersephi!

Week - 475

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?: Part Three
by thediractor
Description: It was the day before Christmas Eve when Phersephi was taking a snowy afternoon stroll around the Neopia Central Park.

Week - 476

The Jinjahbread Man
by thediractor
Description: "It just needs... some cinnamon!" Jade decided, forgetting her goal not to add anything extra.

Week - 477

The Page's Promise: Part One
by thediractor
Description: Nothing bothered Trayanne when she was writing; nothing. Not even the fact that she was ownerless and in the Pound.

Week - 478

The Page's Promise: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: The next two years were one long dream for Trayanne. She had good food, an even better Neohome, and a still better family.

Week - 479

The Fall of Faerieland: Part One
by thediractor
Description: Finna's was the only village out in that land, and all the pets living there were Ogrins. They loved their secret little way of life, and that little forgotten area was perfect...

Week - 480

The Fall of Faerieland: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: "Something's burning."

Week - 481

The Fall of Faerieland: Part Three
by thediractor
Description: "You... You're the beasts that ruined my home!" Finna cried. "You crushed our fields, our village, our groves, perhaps even a few of our own people! You did this!"

Week - 484

Gina and the New Girl: Part One
by thediractor
Description: "There's a new girl at Neoschool, Gina! She's in your class, and her name is Kaitlyn, and she's a yellow Ruki. Isn't that the most exciting thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD?"

Week - 485

Gina and the New Girl: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: A newly-created pet! How rare! Maybe this Kaitlyn was a little special after all.

Week - 486

Gina and the New Girl: Part Three
by thediractor
Description: "Why would you want to hang out with her? She's shown her true colors, and it's not pretty."

Week - 487

Gina and the New Girl: Part Four
by thediractor
Description: I stared at her in awe. "W-What...?" I said shakily. Oh man, this was bad.

Week - 488

The Family Reunion: Part One
by thediractor
Description: The note drifted from my hands and hit the ground soundlessly. I stood up and clomped up the stairs, leaving the note where it was. I was shocked, like I'd stuck an Electric paint brush in my mouth...

Week - 489

The Family Reunion: Part Two
by thediractor
Description: "Well, goodbye, Kadoatie Drive," I said, looking back at my neighborhood. "I'm leaving you at last."

Week - 490

The Family Reunion: Part Three
by thediractor
Description: "The Meet Skye Tyler event isn't until Thursday, I'm afraid," she said instead of a 'hello'.

Week - 491

The Family Reunion: Part Four
by thediractor
Description: "For Parker," Delilah repeated with a smile. "Come inside while I get us ready! We can leave before Skye comes home tonight and sees you."

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