Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 174,290,039 Issue: 389 | 24th day of Eating, Y11
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword christmas_ice

Week - 352

If Wishes Were Fishes
by christmas_ice
Description: One day, after two hours of hard work picking off the rotten berries, Brian noticed something tiny sparkling in the bushes. He pushed aside the leaves and leaned over to find...

Week - 353

Petpet Talk: The Daycare
by christmas_ice
Description: Arnold the Angelpuss whimpered as his owner dropped him off at a crowded room...

Week - 377

Petpet Talk: The Party
by christmas_ice
Description: Arnold yawned, bored out of his mind. It seemed Karl was having some kind of party.

Week - 389

Petpet Talk: The Prank
by christmas_ice
Description: "Excuse me?" Arnold demanded, glaring at the three snickering Meepits. "What in Sloth's name is this?"

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Grumpy Old Techo
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The Sorcerer: Part Eight
"Oh, it was the most excessively silly of all spells, I assure you – hardly even worth mentioning."

by jokerhahaazzz


Socks: Warm, Edible, of Doom
How many of you have feet? Yes, yes, that’s what we thought – most of you have feet... some of you have more than others.

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