Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword grapesourhorse

Week - 225

The Baby Problem
by grapesourhorse
Description: Mistletoe pouted. "I can't!" she grumbled. "Don't know howta swim."

Week - 227

by grapesourhorse
Description: I, Opelia, your ordinary Buzz, was about to be painted ELECTRIC! I was so ecstatic!

Week - 230

Orb of the Fire Faerie
by grapesourhorse
Description: Ember twirled around in a circle, copper hair flowing around her. "Nonsense!" she exclaimed happily. "Everybody loves a Fire Faerie!"

Week - 233

Fulfilling Illusen's Quest: Part One
by grapesourhorse
Description: "Hey Jacqueline, can I please go Meridell?" he asked suddenly, straightening up and brushing stray cookie crumbs off his clothes. Oops. He just remembered-

Week - 234

Fulfilling Illusen's Quest: Part Two
by grapesourhorse
Description: "That contract you signed," she breathed softly, "was cursed. You are doomed to stay on 'Jhudora's' forever. And it makes you immortal."

Week - 235

Fulfilling Illusen's Quest: Part Three
by grapesourhorse
Description: "Sourge has doomed us," she murmured. "We are in Maraquan waters."

Week - 240

Balthazar Bait
by grapesourhorse
Description: "Sophie, are you sure you want to do this?" fretted the worried voice of an unusual Dark Faerie, brow creased with concern...

Week - 244

The Soul of Maraqua: Part One
by grapesourhorse
Description: There was only one Peophin left-and she was the one that the fate of Maraqua relied on so desperately. It was Naracissus, the small and slim White Peophin...

Week - 245

The Soul of Maraqua: Part Two
by grapesourhorse
Description: "Stop calling her that," said Cyn crossly. "Her name is Naracissus and Aresto said that she was very important..."

Week - 246

The Soul of Maraqua: Part Three
by grapesourhorse
Description: "As soon as possible. In fact, right now. After we get Naracissus, of course, for although she is young, she is representative of the Soul of Maraqua, and only she has the right to open the box..."

Week - 254

An Imaginary Friend
by grapesourhorse
Description: "Don't worry honey, you'll make plenty of friends!" said the cheerful voice of Atomasphere the Maraquan Uni, to her little sister, Mistletoe the Baby Acara...

Week - 257

Heir To The Throne
by grapesourhorse
Description: Voleur hated it. She grew tired of being smothered in a castle, with everything to eat and nothing to do...

Week - 283

Freedom Reigns
by grapesourhorse
Description: "Maddie," Sophie said gently, trying to get her sister to understand, "it's my duty to go back and save those faeries..."

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"No time for questions. I have to use its power to restore Vzelle." Blu held the Trident out...

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And the Meepits Outgrabe
We have to pick out a name.

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Boochi Victim
Get to the point...

Also by cheeseo615

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